YOC AG: Revenue growth of 31% as of 9M/2023 and confirmation of Revenue and Earnings Guidance
- VIS.X® Artificial Intelligence (AI) helps to optimize results for YOC’s advertising customers
- Increase in investments in platform development and further internationalization
- Confirmation of revenue and earnings guidance for the financial year 2023
Berlin, 15 November 2023 – In the third quarter of 2023, the ad tech company YOC AG (Frankfurt, Prime Standard, ISIN: DE 0005932735) achieved growth of 33% and generated revenue of EUR 7.1 million (Q3/2022: EUR 5.3 million). Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization (EBITDA)* amounted to EUR 0.8 million (Q3/2022: EUR 0.6 million) and grew by 29% compared to the same quarter of the previous year.
In the first nine months of the 2023 financial year, the company thus increased its revenue at Group level by 31% to EUR 19.7 million (9M/2022: EUR 15.0 million). All regional locations developed positively compared to the same period of the previous year: revenue from international business activities increased by 41%. Domestic sales increased by 24% compared to the same period of the previous year.
A key growth driver is VIS.X® Artificial Intelligence (AI), which enables us to massively improve the relevant deal and campaign metrics for our advertising clients. At the same time, the proprietary VIS.X® AI technology further differentiates YOC’s platform from the competition.
In the comparative period, earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization (EBITDA)* amounted to EUR 1.4 million (9M/2022: EUR 1.8 million). The takeover of Nostemedia Oy and the increase in personnel in the areas of platform development, sales and for further internationalization have a short-term negative impact on profitability. In addition, the insolvency of the American technology platform MediaMath Inc. had a negative impact on earnings of EUR 0.4 million.
As a result, the company’s consolidated net profit for the period as of September 30, 2023, fell to EUR 0.2 million (9M/2022: EUR 0.8 million).
YOC AG’s revenue and earnings for the first nine months of financial year 2023 are therefore in line with the full year forecast for 2023.
Sebastian Bauermann, Chief Financial Officer of YOC AG: “In the first nine months of the current financial year, we have once again significantly outperformed the European market for digital advertising on the basis of our technology. Due to the consistently positive development of the trading volume of our VIS.X® platform, we confirm our targets defined in the guidance for financial year 2023.”
The financial report of YOC AG for the third quarter of 2023 published today is available for download here.
* EBITDA corresponds to the definition in YOC AG’s annual report for financial year 2022; available at: https://yoc.com/de/investor-relations-yoc/finanzen-geschaeftsbericht/
About YOC
YOC is a technology company that develops software for the digital advertising market. With the help of our programmatic commerce platform VIS.X® we enable an optimal advertising experience for advertisers, publishers, and users of the internet and apps. Advertisers get the opportunity to increase their brand awareness in combination with premium advertising inventory by using VIS.X® and YOC’s attention-grabbing advertising formats. Renowned premium publishers offer global media reach and benefit from the high monetization of our VIS.X® platform. As a pioneer of mobile advertising, the company has been on the market since 2001 and has been listed in the Prime Standard of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange since 2009.
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