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YOC AG with revenue growth of around 20% in the first half of FY2021 – VIS.X® trading platform as driver of company’s development

Berlin, May 11, 2021 – Despite the ongoing adverse circumstances in the context of the Corona pandemic, YOC Group will increase its revenues at Group level by around 20% in the first half of financial year 2021 compared to the same period of the previous year.

After a still modest first quarter of 2021 with sales revenues of EUR 3.5 million
(Q1/2020: EUR 3.3 million), which was influenced by restrained spending levels of some advertisers, revenues in the second quarter of 2021 are expected to increase by more than 35% to approximately EUR 4.0 million (Q2/2020: EUR 2.9 million). In total, the company expects revenues for the first half of 2021 to amount to around EUR 7.5 million (H1/2020: EUR 6.2 million).

Consequently, operating earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization (EBITDA)* in the first half of financial year2021 are expected to be EUR 0.7 million to EUR 0.8 million
(H1/2020: EUR 0.5 million).

Sebastian Bauermann, Director Finance of YOC AG: “The growth trend of our company, driven by our technology platform VIS.X, will continue in the second half of 2021. As a result, we expect revenues at Group level of EUR 17.0 million to EUR 18.0 million (2020: EUR 15.5 million) and an operating result (EBITDA)* of EUR 1.8 million to EUR 2.3 million (2020: EUR 1.8 million) for the full year 2021. Net income in 2021 will increase to between EUR 0.8 million and EUR 1.3 million (2020: EUR 0.3 million).”

* EBITDA corresponds to the definition in YOC AG’s report on the financial year 2020 (available at


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