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YOC publishes 2019 annual financial statements: VIS.X® trading platform as driver of corporate development

    Berlin, 29 April 2020 – YOC AG (ISIN DE0005932735) increased its turnover at Group level by 8% to EUR 15.1 million in the past financial year 2019 (2018: EUR 13.9 million). The operating result before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortisation (EBITDA)* according to IFRS amounted to around EUR 0.6 million (2018: EUR 0.6 million). Considering one-off effects in the financial years 2018 and 2019, adjusted EBITDA in 2019 improved by EUR 0.7 million compared to the previous year.

    The reason for this development is the increased trading via the company’s own technology platform VIS.X®, whose transaction volume grew by 357% to already EUR 3.1 million.

    As a result, various key figures of our business model increased in the 2019 financial year:

    • The transaction volume of the proprietary YOC advertising formats amounted to around 50% of the company’s total turnover;
    • The share of turnover of programmatic (automated) trading grew to 35%;
    • The gross profit ratio was 39%;
    • The operating cash flow reached EUR 1.2 million.

    With the corona epidemic, an unforeseen event has hit the global community of states, as well as the world economy. Also the YOC Group does not remain unaffected. After a good start to financial year 2020, cancellations and declines in bookings had to be accepted from March onwards. In order to limit the overall impact of the Corana crisis, YOC has initiated appropriate countermeasures.

    Sebastian Bauermann, Director of Finance at YOC AG: “We will not only master this crisis but will continue to develop in a significantly stronger position. In the past two years, we have been able to significantly accelerate our strategic thrust and expand our programmatic business based on our proprietary technology platform VIS.X®. The automated trading of our mobile advertising products is now of particular help to us, as it is much less affected by the effects of the Corona crisis than traditional incoming orders.”

    YOC AG’s financial report for the 2019 financial year, published today, is now available for download here.

    * EBITDA corresponds to the definition in YOC AG’s report on the 2019 financial year (available at



    YOC AG
    Investor Relations
    Greifswalder Str. 212
    10405 Berlin
    Tel.: +49-30-726162-0