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YOC AG: Publication of material transactions with related parties pursuant to Section 111c of the German Stock Corporation Act with the aim of Europe-wide distribution

On 24 February 2020, the Supervisory Board of YOC AG
(the “Company”) approved the conclusion of a loan agreement in the amount of EUR 200,000 between the Company as borrower and dkam GmbH, entered in the Commercial Register of the Frankfurt am Main District Court under HRB 76870 as lender, in accordance with Section 111b (1) AktG. The agreement has thus become effective.

The sole shareholder and managing director of dkam GmbH is Dirk-Hilmar Kraus. Mr Kraus is the sole member of the Management Board of YOC AG.

The unsecured loan will be paid out 100 % on 28 February 2020. The loan has a term until 31 December 2020. 7 % p.a. interest is payable quarterly, redemption is at the end of the term. The Company is entitled to repay the loan in full or in part ahead of schedule without paying an early repayment fee.

The economic value of the loan corresponds to the nominal amount of EUR 200,000.

Berlin, February 2020


The Management Board