YOC Universal Video Solution

This innovative advertising solution maximizes the visibility and attention of video campaigns: Conventional advertising videos are automatically converted into high-impact formats, automatically selected and permanently optimized by VIS.X® AI in real time based on multidimensional performance data.

Best Effect Selection

The proprietary VIS.X® AI selects the ad format, placement and target group that offers the best performance for your campaign objectives.

In- & Outstream in One Deal

Benefit from the unique combination of several high-impact advertising media within one booking featuring both in-stream and out-stream placements.

Multidimensional AI-Optimization

Our VIS.X® AI continuously analyzes several terabytes of data, which is used for ongoing, fully automated campaign optimization.

Maximized Campaign Performance

Depending on the campaign objective, VIS.X® AI maximizes the visibility, video-completion-rate or advertising engagement, depending on the customer's requirements.


Our additional features for maximizing your brand performance

Custom Backgrounds Feature

Custom Backgrounds

Expressive background graphics in combination with your campaign video additionally strengthen the brand message.

Sticky Effect Feature


The sticky-effect provides an extra level of attention for your brand by keeping the video creative permanently visible at the bottom of the screen.

Additional Video Features

Additional Video-Features

From automatic subtitles to branding signatures – we offer you a wide range of additional options for customizing your video campaign.

Explore more features and exciting best practices in our YOC Showroom.

Discover the YOC Showroom

Do you want to find out more about the diverse opportunities for your brand marketing?

Get in touch with our team of experts now to find out more about the potential of our unique advertising technology and creative solutions for your brand performance.

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