YOC AG with sales growth of 13% per Q3/2019
Berlin, 20 November 2019 – YOC AG (Frankfurt, Prime Standard, ISIN DE0005932735) achieved revenue growth of 13% to EUR 10.2 million in the first nine months of the fiscal year 2019 (9M/2018: EUR 9.1 million). At the same time, sales per employee increased to EUR 0.20 million (9M/2016: EUR 0.17 million).
The growth in turnover was achieved despite the fact that the company decided to reduce its activities in the United Kingdom in view of the looming Brexit situation and the unsatisfactory trading volume in the British market. In the current fourth quarter of 2019, this effect will once again have an impact on sales development.
Increased trading via the company’s proprietary technology platform VIS.X® helps the company to increase profitability: As of September 30, 2019, operating earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization (EBITDA) improved by EUR 0.25 million to EUR -0.2 million (9M/2018: EUR -0.4 million). Thus, the steady improvement in earnings of previous years continued in the course of 2019.
Dirk Kraus, founder and CEO of the company: “We are very positive about the business year 2020 and expect an increased sales growth. This development will be driven by the steadily growing trading volume of our technology platform VIS.X®”.
The YOC AG financial report for 9M/2019 published today can be downloaded here.
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