Supervisory Board

Nikolaus Breuel

Konstantin Graf Lambsdorff

Sascha Berlik

Management Board

Dirk Kraus

Corporate Governance

Declaration of Corporate Governance 2023


Corporate Governance Statement 2023


Article of Association

YOC AG's Article of Association in its currently valid version as of July 2024

July 2024

Rules of procedure

Procedure for the Management Board of YOC AG


Procedure for the Supervisory Board of YOC AG


Directors' Dealings

Releases about business activities undertaken by the management staff in accordance with Article 19 of the Market Abuse Regulation (MAR)

According to Article 19 of the Market Abuse Regulation (Marktmissbrauchsverordnung), the members of the Executive Committee and Supervisory Board of YOC AG as well as all other persons who have access to insider information on a regular basis and who are authorised to execute business decisions have to notify both the company and the German Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht) when they acquire or dispose of shares or related financial instruments of the company. This also applies to certain persons who are in close relationship with the above-mentioned persons. The company has to publish such information without delay. In accordance with Article 19 of the Market Abuse Regulation (MAR) and the current Corporate Governance Codex in the version of 26 May 2010, YOC AG publishes such releases on its website.

Visit our Investor Relations News site for an overview of all Directors’ Dealings.

Compensation system

Executive Board

The compensation system for members of the Executive Board was resolved by the Annual General Meeting on June 22, 2023 with a majority of 92.70% of the valid votes cast. The resolution on the compensation system for members of the Executive Board can be found here and the associated description here.

Supervisory Board

The compensation and compensation system for members of the Supervisory Board was resolved by the Annual General Meeting on June 30, 2021 with a majority of around 99.96% of the valid votes cast. The resolution on the compensation system for members of the Supervisory Board can be found here and the associated description here.

Remuneration Reports of YOC AG

Fiscal Year 2023

Fiscal Year 2022

Fiscal Year 2021

Fiscal Year 2020

Fiscal Year 2019

Fiscal Year 2018

Fiscal Year 2017

Fiscal Year 2016

Fiscal Year 2015

Fiscal Year 2014

Fiscal Year 2013